The API Key security mechanism facilitates authentication within the Mthmr API ecosystem. These API keys serve as unique alphanumeric codes or tokens generated by Mthmr to grant authorization and authenticate access to the API. Each key is tailored to provide access to specific API endpoints, ensuring secure access for authorized users or systems.

The API Key plays a pivotal role in our system, securing and efficiently accessing our API's data, services, or resources. To authenticate a request, it is imperative to include the Token in the headers of each HTTP request.

The following code block shows an example of a request, including the authentication headers.

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Token: <YOUR_API_TOKEN>' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'


Safeguard Your Keys

Exercise caution to prevent unauthorized access by refraining from sharing your API keys in public repositories like Github or Bitbucket.

Obtaining a Token

To generate a tokento authenticate your requests, you must use the Get Token endpoint with your applicationId and applicationKey inserted on the request headers, both keys are provided when connecting to the application. A successful request will return the token to use in your requests.

See the How to use Mthmr page for more detailed information on this process.