This section outlines the common error codes and resolutions you may encounter using the Mthmr API.

Mthmr uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of API requests.

  • Codes in the 2xx range usually indicate success.
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that occurred based on the information provided (e.g., a missing parameter, etc.)
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicate an internal error.


  "detail": [
      "detail": [
          "loc": [
          "msg": "Invalid request.",
          "type": "INVALID_REQUEST."

Response attributes for errors

See what error codes are returned by Mthmr's Rest API.

HTTP Status CodeCodeDescription
400 Invalid Request ErrorINVALID_REQUEST.Invalid request.
404 Not Found ErrorNOT_FOUND.Resource not found.
422 Validation ErrorVALIDATION_ERROR.Validation error.
500 Internal Server ErrorINTERNAL_ERROR.Internal error.
504 Gateway TimeoutREQUEST_TIMEOUT.Request timeout.