This object represents a transaction through Mthmr.


transaction_id string
The unique identifier of the transaction
Example: b65cca2a-6809-11ee-8c99-0242ac120002

description string
A brief description or note about the transaction.
Example: This is a brief note about the transaction.

customer_id string
The unique identifier of the customer associated with the transaction.
Example: a8de52aa-49e7-4e5c-bb66-1c82ac1d551d

amount number
The monetary value of the transaction.
Example: 150.23

merchant object

An object containing details about the merchant where the transaction occurred.

id string
The unique identifier of the merchant.
Example: l4de52aa-44gks-1g2c-ab56-1c82ac1d28f

name string
The name of the merchant.
Example: MTHMR

category_code string
The category code of the merchant.
Example: 1c82ac1d28f-44gks-1g2c-ab56-l4de52aa

location object

An object containing details about the customer's location.

country string
The country where the customer resides.
Example: KSA

city string
The city where the customer resides.
Example: Riyadh